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Nethemba 20.09.2021

ALPACA is an application layer protocol content confusion attack, exploiting TLS servers implementing different protocols but using compatible certificates, such as multi-domain or wildcard certificates. ALPACA Attack https://alpaca-attack.com/

Nethemba 20.09.2021

This is massive and can be critical: The discovered vulnerabilities affect all modern security protocols of Wi-Fi, including the latest WPA3 specification. FragAttacks: Security flaws in all Wi-Fi devices https://www.fragattacks.com/... https://github.com/vanhoefm/fragattacks See more

Nethemba 20.09.2021

Auditovatelná bezpenost: otázka života a smrti Spolehlivá a ovitelná bezpenost se však zdaleka netýká jen ochrany našich penz. ím dál chytejší jsou zaízení která nás obklopují, tím náchylnjší jsou také k napadení. Open source hardware https://www.alza.cz/open-source-hardware-krizovatka-bezpecn

Nethemba 20.09.2021

Privilege escalation with polkit: How to get root on Linux with a seven-year-old bug https://github.blog/2021-06-10-privilege-escalation-polkit/

Nethemba 19.09.2021

A new part of EFF's surveillance self-defense: Privacy Breakdown of Mobile Phones https://ssd.eff.org//playl/privacy-breakdown-mobile-phones

Nethemba 19.09.2021

Never, ever use proprietary, closed software for sensitive communication. And it doesn't matter what business you do. Hundreds arrested in global crime sting after underworld app is hacked | Organised crime | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com//anom-encrypted-app-fbi-afp-au

Nethemba 18.09.2021

Overený opensource kód masovo používanej aplikácie je v súasnej dobe "must" pre akékovek šifrované komunikané aplikácie. Anom: Ako FBI nalákala kriminálny svet na falošnú aplikáciu - Svet SME https://svet.sme.sk//anom-aplikacia-ako-fbi-nalakala-krimi

Nethemba 18.09.2021

'Did weak wi-fi password lead the police to our door?' "It was devastating for us. And because there's no evidence about how this took place, whoever is responsible for this awful crime totally got away with it." https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57156799

Nethemba 18.09.2021

The app is designed to scan any new programs that are downloaded and if it recognizes any of the code associated with Cellebrite, it hits the self-destruct button and automatically initiates a full-blown data Wipeout The Anti-Cop App That Wipes Your Phone https://gizmodo.com/this-guy-designed-an-android-app-that-d

Nethemba 17.09.2021

Aj profesionálni zlí hackeri sú niekedy babráci a robia školácke chyby. USA získaly zpt vtšinu bitcoin, které ropná firma zaplatila hackerm https://www.idnes.cz//usa-bitcoin-hackeri-colonial-pipelin

Nethemba 17.09.2021

This seems to be massive: Customer Data Leaked From Airlines Around the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKB4bUt2_Ko

Nethemba 17.09.2021

This is not a good PR for Monero cryptocurrency that can be perceived as the most suitable ransomware money... At least it's a good PR for doing safe backups to prevent these attacks. Colonial Pipeline Paid Hackers Nearly $5 Million in Ransom - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com//colonial-pipeline-paid-hackers-

Nethemba 16.09.2021

Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS. https://github.com/pluja/awesome-privacy

Nethemba 16.09.2021

This could be a severe issue for the many police agencies using Cellebrite across the world. If a criminal can hack a Cellebrite device by running a malicious file like the one described by Marlinspike, they could spoil evidence. I Have a Lot to Say About Signal’s Cellebrite Hack https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu//i-have-lot-say-about-signal

Nethemba 16.09.2021

LineageOS, CalyxOS, CyanogenMod. Is the answer. Unredacted Google Lawsuit Docs Detail Efforts to Collect User Location https://www.businessinsider.com/unredacted-google-lawsuit-d

Nethemba 15.09.2021

Používa proprietárnu uzavretú aplikáciu na bezpené hovory a správy je skoro vždy vemi zlý nápad. A je jedno, aký biznis robíte. Milióny dešifrovaných správ v 16 krajinách. Polícia zasiahla voi medzinárodnému https://svet.sme.sk//miliony-desifrovanych-sprav-v-16-kraj

Nethemba 15.09.2021

Strongly recommended to read: A Closer Look at the DarkSide Ransomware Gang: So, you this are your options first take our generous offer and pay to us $28,750 million US or invest some monies in quantum computing to expedite a decryption process.... https://krebsonsecurity.com//a-closer-look-at-the-darksid/ See more

Nethemba 15.09.2021

Súkromné IT firmy, ktoré robia penetrané testy, tak vždy potrebujú od zákazníkov zmluvný súhlas na etické hackovanie. Nemecký štát bude môc hackova neeticky. Všetky nemecké tajné služby budú môc hackova udí: Bundestag schválil kontroverznú novelu https://zive.aktuality.sk//vsetky-nemecke-tajne-sluzby-bu/

Nethemba 14.09.2021

Imagine your SSH server only listens on an IPv6 address, and where the last 6 digits are changing every 30 seconds as a TOTP code... https://github.com/mikroskeem/tosh

Nethemba 14.09.2021

FBI hacked the hackers? "Using law enforcement authority, victim funds were seized from that wallet, preventing Dark Side actors from using them," Abbate said. Colonial Pipeline ransom: U.S. recovers $2.3M in bitcoin paid https://www.cnbc.com//us-recovers-some-of-the-money-paid-i